And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you]. Romans 12:2 AMP
The Mind Of Christ.
Transformation is more than a set of rules, principles, and precepts.
Rules, principles, and precepts inform people what to think and how to conform.
Some outcomes and behaviors may appear good but are not necessarily Godly because their origins are not from Him.
Often, we become evangelically house-trained, conforming to religious patterns instead of being transformed by renewing our minds.
Anyone can follow a set of rules, principles, and precepts because no transformation is needed!
The purpose of a transformed mind is to know what God's will is for your daily living. It isn't just some path you are supposed to take.
A transformed mind changes how you think, resulting in a change in what you think.
When your mind is transformed, what you think about will be transformative. How you approach relationships, circumstances, and the future becomes restorative and hopeful.
How are our minds transformed?
First, believe it is possible.
The command to no longer be conformed but transformed means that the transformation will replace conformity.
This is a response in faith.
Second, renewal is achieved by God's power.
The Greek word used for transformation is the same word used for transfiguration.
It means to be changed after being with.
Renewal and transformation come as a result of time with Jesus.
With the mind of Christ, we cannot only know our Abba Father's will but be empowered to do it!
God's Love transforms. The Mind of Christ is the mind of the Son Who knows He is the Beloved of His Father.
How might you have been trying not to conform to the patterns of this world instead of being transformed?
What thought patterns or habits are you wrestling with that would change with a transformed mind?
Desiring to know God's will in your life is a good desire, so how do you do it?
Lord, may we believe the truth that You command and cause the transformation of our minds to glorify You! Amen