Who could ever wrap their minds around the riches of God, the depth of his wisdom, and the marvel of his perfect knowledge? Who could ever explain the wonder of his decisions or discover the mysterious way he carries out his plans? Romans 11:33
More Of Him To Know
While reading and visiting with Jesus early one morning, I was comforted by the following thought;
“You still have so much to learn!”
I may have been disappointed if I had thought this in other areas of my life.
But, in union with the Father, it is so inspiring!
There is no end to Him!
There is no arrival in knowledge.
My relationship with Him continues.
How tragic it would be to have a God you could know everything about.
It would be no God but the god of our imagination.
How might your prayers be more seeking and relational than transactional?
Lord, how glorious are Your ways! The depth of Your wisdom! The perfection of Your being. May we delight in Your presence, knowing the fullness of Your love! Amen