When they couldn't find them, they took Jason instead, along with some of the brothers in his house church, and dragged them before the city council. Along the way, they screamed out, "Those troublemakers who have turned the world upside down have come here to our city." Acts 17:6
Are we turning our world upside down?
It has happened many times and in many places. Both as recorded in scripture, ancient history, and modern history. From the Reformation, Great Awakening revivals, and Azuza street, world cultures have been transformed. Yet, rarely do they last, fading out as the generation dies.
My prayer is that the coming revival is multigenerational. Amen
Revival starts with me, and you in our personal lives and moves through our families, friends, communities, and workplaces.
Revival isn't confined to spaces and places but rests on us as we walk out our lives in intimacy with Jesus.
What are we missing?
Either we act on our faith and believe in our calling as His people, or we are deceived.
We live too low when we don't believe what Christ has told us He has done and will do.
This is often because we live by our experiences instead of faith.
Jesus promised abundant life. (John 10:10)
Yet we respond by trying to do this through our wisdom and strength when it doesn't happen as expected.
We treat our walk with Christ as some behavior modification or self-improvement venture.
Has our 'faith' become all about us?
This type of perspective leaves us as the main point of reference.
We continually try to figure out our purpose blindly but do not see past our mirrors.
We say we want to be "better Christians." It may sound holy, but it is thinly disguised self-improvement.
We learn new languages and how to behave in the "house." Yet, the motives are still the same.
Often It looks like kittens turning into cats or puppies into dogs, but their purpose is still the same. The only change is that the second phase is litter or house-trained! It is not transformation.
A selfish faith is an oxymoron.
Real Transformation Transforms Your Environment
A spiritual transformation looks more like caterpillars to butterflies.
Not only is their form different, but so is their purpose.
Their existence moves from destroying plants by consuming them to pollenizing them for multiplication.
The transformation process from a caterpillar to a butterfly involves a radical chrysalis stage.
The chrysalis' in my life have been trials, tribulations, betrayals, and other wounds that have revealed the risen Christ within me.
Those are the times I know I am hidden with Christ in God!
No longer on the outside looking for life, but on the inside looking out through His life.
Believe that you were made for more than...you.
Believe that Abba Father has instructed the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus Christ risen and alive in you.
Believe that it is God Who transforms you in His way to display His love to the world.
Believe you are called to be a part of a family to change the world.
How do you view your life? Your present or future?
How do you know if you have been transformed?
What are you doing when you feel the most joy?
What brings you the most hope when you dream or think about the future?
Lord, there is SO much more to this life than us! Awaken us to Your purpose and the desires of Your heart. May we wake, regardless of our circumstances, with the knowledge of being Your sons and daughters blessed with the opportunity to turn our world upside down and inside out for Your kingdom and glory by Your power and love. Amen